Getting Rid of the Nagging Voice Within... [Destiny by Design #3 of 5]

We all have them. 

Limiting beliefs that nay-say to us whenever we want to move forward. 

They mock us with things like:

  • "You could never do that. It's too big for you to consider."
  • "You don't have what you need to even get started."
  • "You are not enough to even contribute toward that..."
  • "You don't even know what you are doing."

If we listen to these voices our potential future, our intended contribution to the kingdom of God can be thwarted before it even gets started.

Identifying what these limiting beliefs (lies) are and then learning how to diminish or eliminate them is the difference between having a dream and actually seeing a dream become a reality.

Limiting beliefs are lies that cloud our vision of ourselves, our circumstances, and how God wants to mee us right where we are at!

"Good" lies are like good poison. They seem good. They taste "right", but in the end, they can kill you.

Let me explain. 

You may actually not have what you need to get started, but...

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What Really "Gets Your Goat"? [Destiny by Design #2 of 5]

Or maybe the question, "What keeps you up at night?"

"What raises your blood pressure?"

or "What makes you emotional?" - angry, or excited, or sad.

Learning to define your passion areas is just one of the markers in your divine design, your internal DNA.

Maybe you have a people group you really care about, or maybe it's a cause that needs investment. It could be that you are the type of person that wants to partner with another and be the hero that helps them get to their goal - your passion is helping! 

In the Destiny by Design course one of the projects is to look at your passion verbs, your own personal core desires. This was very insightful for me personally as I realized more about where I should be investing my time and energy.

You'll learn to write your own Life Purpose Statement and how to make decisions based on whether the available option is the best choice for you, and honestly whether you are a good fit for the option.

Getting traction to move toward whatever God...

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Does God actually have a personal plan for us individually?

Secretly, I think we all want to be special.

We all want to have unique giftings and be a valuable part of something. To have impact. To make a difference.

So, we all really want God to have a personal plan for us individually, but maybe we aren't sure if He does - right? 

What if I told you you really were special? I'm excited to say GOD DOES HAVE A UNIQUE PLAN FOR EACH OF US! You can know it, we can help!

Scripture is clear that God has given different gifts to each of us. 1 Corinthians 12 and Ephesians 4 are two places that list some of the gifts. If you understand who you were created to be, you can move forward with your personal destiny with more confidence. 

In our Destiny by Design course, you'll learn about your unique design and uncover the seeds God has placed inside you. It's our job to tend those seeds and help them develop into the plants God intends for them to become!

Learn more here!

Don't spend your life wondering! You can KNOW God's personal...

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Which One Are You?

Dreamers tend to have an idea a minute. 

You know the type. They are pretty quick with a "What if?" They keep us moving forward, trying things and improving what is already there. 

Maybe you are the type. You have more vision than there are years in the century. It's a gift and a curse because you always have more good ideas, but it's hard because you probably can't do them all. (And let's be honest, sometimes you start stuff that doesn't get done.)

SO, how do you decide what to do when? And how? And with whom?

Coaching can help! In fact, that is one of the outcomes coaching is designed for!

Now, let's talk about Doers.

Doers get stuff done. Their focus is less on what could be and more on what is.

You know the type. They are hard-working, dependable, and responsible. They seem to be tireless.

Maybe you are the type. You don't need someone to check up on you because your internal motivation will keep things running smoothly and get the stuff checked off the...

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What's At Stake? 5 Reasons To Consider! [Please read #1 & #5 before Monday]

This is one of my personal favorite enlightening questions.

"What's at stake?" can take me from not knowing whether or not to move forward to being more sure of a next step. 

I've seen people I have been coaching get complete clarity when they talk out what is at stake if they do, or don't do, whatever it is they are thinking about.

The answer to "What's at stake?" is usually clear to me. It has to do with following the Spirit's guidance in my life. If I feel like God is leading me a certain way then what's at stake is my obedience to Him. Following that prompting, in turn, affects my ability to hear Him the next time He is guiding me.

Sometimes it is hard to know if a prompting is really God, or just us. 

Sometimes we feel compelled, but the circumstances don't line up quite yet.

Whatever your situation, if God is prompting you to consider coach training at this time, say "Yes". 

Here are 5 reasons why it might be time and also what could be at stake.

1- Coach...

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Okay! Let's do this!


What's your this?

Each new year is a gift! 

But unlike a gift you receive from someone else, each new year is a gift God gives us and what's inside of it pretty much depends on us! 

What will this year hold for you? 

  • Will you finally start that ____________?
  • Or finish that ______________?
  • Ready to put ___________ behind you?

Traction can walk you through each step you need to take!

Or a good coach can help you define and achieve your goals!

The biggest question is: What is going to make this year different than last year? 

Hundreds of people have used the Coaching Culture practices to move forward themselves as well as learning how to best ask empowering questions, help people make SMART goals and walk them down the Bridges Coaching ROAD to nexts they would not have accomplished! 

Or maybe you aren't even sure what your "this" is? Our Destiny by Design course helps decode the cipher! Your unique...

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Can You Honestly Say "I love you and I like you"?

                                                 [Guest blog - April Lonneville]

It was the beginning of July 2018. Jon and I were headed out of the state to officiate a friend’s wedding.

We took the rare opportunity to get away together for a few days and headed to the Adirondack Mountains to connect. A few days earlier, we had taken an assessment a friend was talking to me about. (At that time, we had never heard of the enneagram test.)

As we drove through the quiet mountains, listening to the descriptions of our results, I could feel a door creaking open that made me nervous.

It was a door I knew needed to open for me personally, and for our marriage… but, on the other side of that door was vulnerability. Exposure. Intimacy.

Sometimes that can be scary.

Usually, it’s scary enough that many of us just don’t go there.

As the layers...

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April's Quest! What's Your Next?

As I sat down to write this blog many times, I ended up getting interrupted by one of my 4 girls, my phone reminding me of the demands of life… or the laundry buzzer cutting through any ounce of concentration. 

Here I am though at 12:08 am determined to blog away. It’s finally quiet and time to introduce myself.

I could tell you about my really awesome husband, our girls that keep life exciting, the different jobs I work from home or the other important things (well, I sure think they are important) that I do. 

But, really, if there is one thing I want people to hear about, it’s how God poured His love into my heart at a young age, won my affection for life and silenced all wondering in my seeking teenage girl’s heart. He laid a solid foundation of acceptance that has stood strong through many storms.

Because I have experienced such security, I can’t help but want to see others enjoy that freedom as well. What a privilege it is to be loved...

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What If The "Greater Things" Are Not What We Thought They Were?

"I tell you the truth, whoever believes in me will do the same things that I do. Those who believe will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father." John 14:12

I always assumed that the "greater things" in this verse were physical miracles, and maybe they are, but what if....

What if the transformation of hearts and minds is the bigger, better, goal Jesus was talking about?

Is this why He was always telling people not to talk about the miracles they had experienced? Perhaps He valued the kingdom principles he was revealing to the world even more than the physical relief.

Really isn't that the longer play?

All of the people Jesus healed on earth are now gone, but the lives transformed live on forever! 

In Matthew 7:22-23, Jesus says, "On judgment day many will say to me, ‘Lord! Lord! We prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name.’  But I will reply,...

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The #1 Reason "Doing" (alone) Gets A Bad Rap

Let's talk about "Doing" vs "Being", or maybe let's talk about "Doing" without "Being".

In the past couple of decades, there has been a lot of emphasis on just "being". It is valuable to "be". 

     Be in God's presence.

     Know who you are as a believer.

     Rest in His love without striving.

     Seep yourself in gratefulness that salvation cannot be earned, but only can come through receiving.

THIS IS ALL INVALUABLE! Our foundational core needs to be centered!

Yet somehow in the midst of it all "doing" got a bad rap. I find myself with James on this. 

My brothers and sisters, if people say they have faith, but do nothing, their faith is worth nothing. Can faith like that save them? James 2:14

Pretty clear to me.

And yet I get it. If we have only "doing" or works, we are completely missing the point of grace. 

"Doing" gets a bad rap when it is not preceded by "being".

Ephesians 2:10 says, "God...

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